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Writer's pictureEsha Sharma

3weeks later...

Hi guys!

I’ve not written a blog post in 3 weeks now and I apologise!! I’ve seen your messages but I’ve had no time, the school year is coming to an end and you’d think they‘d dial it down with work but that is not the case at all.

I hope you have all been good, productive, happy etc... these past 3 weeks and if you’re a student I hope you’re excited for the summer!

I want to talk about how I’ve been feeling over the past few weeks and I’m sure most of you can relate. I‘m in y12 and y13 comes next (because that is the order numbers go in😂) The stress and the scare that comes to mind when I even think about being a y13 is not something pleasant for me. On top of that personal statements, shortlisting 5 universities, finances, courses, revision, exams, sleep, the list honestly goes on and on. The point I’m trying to make is that we all knew that Alevels/higher education was going to be difficult but when the going gets tough we have to remind ourselves why we chose this pathway. For me that reason is because of what I want to achieve for myself, I want to be financially independent and go into a career that I will live to go to. That is not to say that there aren’t other ways to get there but for me this was the best suited for me. Your reason may be for your parents, for a dream you’ve had since you’ve been younger and so on...

I just want to say that no matter who you are no matter what pathway you have chosen there will be some sort of pressure on you, whether that be form parents, from family or in my case from yourself because you simply have high expectations of yourself This is absolutely fine, you hear me? It is fine! Be ambitious, have dreams, have goals, but know that you can get anywhere you want even if it’s not the way you had planned out. I read something and it made me think “ohh yeah thats true” so I’m going to share it with you guys-

6+4=10 but that doesn’t mean that if somebody does 5+5 to get 10 that their way is wrong, it’s just different. Listen we will all feel the pressure next year and it’ll be hard but if you try your hardest and work smart and you really do help yourself as much as you can then don’t you ever feel disappointed in whatever the end result is. If you have to go through clearing to get to university, that is ok. There is always another way and don’t you forget that!

Life gets hard sometimes, I get that ok life can be quite frustrating at times but if you think above and beyond what you think you can get you are manifesting into the universe that you can get better. If you think you can get a B aim for an A. If you know you can get into a university, believe that you can get into your aspirational choice. One up anything you think you can get and you will achieve so much better.

I wish you all the luck over the summer with everything you decide to do. Most of all remember that it is your summer so own it, live, have fun!

Thanks :)

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