Hi guys,
Hope you’re all well.
So lets jump right in, anxiousness is a common feeling right? Especially when you’re faced with a new situation, or perhaps even when you are faced with a person from your past.
Correct me if I’m wrong but being anxious and having anxiety are two very different concepts.
Feeling anxious- Sometimes you get nervous because of an unusual/new experience and you may lose your appetite or gain one even be quite jittery
Having anxiety- Feeling nervous all the time, having a very irregular appetite. Overthinking ever decision you make- literally. Not wanting to speak to anyone then feeling lonely, feeling very sick before going out, sitting a test, meeting people- even family. Never not doubting yourself. Always criticising yourself.
“I overanalyse things because I am nervous what could happen if I’m unprepared”
Anxiety takes on many forms- social, mental, physical and I didn’t know how little my knowledge on the topic was until I began to research it more, it really did open my eyes.
Hypothetically your friend may have an anxiety disorder and you may have no clue. Well part of having the disorder is that you don't want to burden others because you simply feel as if your problems have no relevance, this is in fact a very pessimistic way of thinking which leads me to my next point which is that an anxiety disorder can lead to OCD and also depression as they are very closely linked.
Stress is the binding factor amongst all 3, I encourage you to make sure people are not suffering in silence. As I am going into y13 in September of course I will be stressed out alongside my peers but I guess thats where it comes down to us as individuals to make sure we’re all updated on each other’s wellbeing.
So back to my original point, the feeling of anxiousness and having an anxiety disorder are two concepts which I feel should be kept separate. My reasoning behind this well because having anxiety is when your mind and body refuse to cooperate no matter what you know is rational and this feeling doesn’t pass leaving you feeling on edge all the time.
Take care and thanks :)