Hi guys!
Hope you're all Corona free and have been having a fun time in quarantine!
Personally I've been very bored and am already running out of things to do, I miss Sixth Form and I never though that I would say that but there it is, my secret is out.
It has been one day and I am struggling to make myself work, this is potentially going to be an extremely long 6 months off.
Ok, so this so called 'lock-down' in my opinion needs to have stricter measures. Unless Boris and the police force will be personally counting how many times a person has been out for exercise there is absolutely no way of controlling the public in said scenario.
Disperse one gathering and another will appear in its place.
Can i also add that he has not as of now said people have to stay home from work, he has said that they should work from home if they can. If a workplace is not a 'mass gathering' like schools they what would you call it?
These rules and regulations have been eased onto the members of the public which is fair enough because throwing this all at us at once may have startled us, however in 24 hours there has been 46 deaths and I'm afraid that the younger generation will not take Boris' words seriously and the peak will be worse than what it should be.
3 weeks can go past very quickly if we do work together and are not selfish and act in an orderly fashion manner with our reaction to this situation. There will always be people who need to suffer the consequences to hear what people are saying, so i have no doubt that many will be getting fines along the duration of the next few days. As they say: 'Rules are meant to be broken by some so lessons can be learnt by others'
Ageism is being shown at it's finest in this situation. The younger and older generations forming there own separate communities within society, where the younger generation are acting selfish for the means of their survival and the older generation are suffering indoors with the bare minimum in some cases. There needs to be more done for the vulnerable groups. The older generation are not the generation who use technological devices for food delivery, therefore they should be the priority in every supermarket, so that they are allowed to buy there share of food before everyone else. Iceland have taking these measures, but they have been the only supermarket to do so as of now.
At this time of crisis during this pandemic we should all make the most of the time we have, as we know the youngest case was an 18 yr old in Coventry, and on that note, we all want THE BEST SUMMER after this time indoors, so let us all take something away from this blog. Stay indoors now and you will not regret it further down the line, and we will get a great summer but we have to comply to the rules for that to happen.
Stay safe! :)