Hey guys!
I've been thinking quite a lot about the concept of friendship recently.
Is it really only meant to be temporary?
Why is it that the thought alone of losing somebody so close to us hurts so much? Are us humans really that reliant? Or is it simply that we trust too soon, that we care too much; that we are scared we will not find anyone similar again?
I understand that all friendships have their highs and their fair share of lows, but what I don't understand is how does one find it inside of them to walk away from a person who was willing to be their best friend, to do everything in their power to make that friendship work and the only thing they asked for in return was the same amount of effort. The only logical explanation I can think of its that they don't find it hard to walk away and because this task is very simple for them they can do it with ease.
Now, that explanations hurts to think about right? Because imagine all that time and effort you have invested into this person and they just toss it all away with no regrets.
Instead of thinking that this person has left without thought, we tend to think that we have done something wrong. Its natural human instinct to blame ourselves.
I want to tell you all that if somebody is unable to stay and fix things, unable to talk through the problem whatever it may be, unable to listen to how you feel and not only listen but really understand why it is you feel that way and how they can help, if they are so incapable to message you/talk to you after the argument, that should be your first hint towards what they are thinking without them even saying a word. We know this, but we block it out because of the attachment and bond that we have created with this person, sadly it was one sided.
Personally I make jokes about whats happened because talking about it like a normal human is too upsetting.
You've all heard the saying that 'It takes longer to gain trust than to lose it'. It's completely true. Even after, when you've trusted that person again to not hurt you like they've done previously, that trust is not the same, there are holes in that trust, gaps, DOUBTS. Also known as TRUST ISSUES, sound familiar? :)
If that makes us doubt every other person we get to know in the future then I am sorry to say this but that person who created those trust issues within us is selfish. After all, we gave them another chance to rectify their mistakes, or in some cases an endless amount of chances but they chose to do the wrong thing again and we're left thinking and OVERTHINKING :(
Don't get me wrong I know many of you will have probably blocked and deleted, and if cutting them out of your life straight away works for you then well great! but that is not for me.
However, no matter what DO NOT let anybody think that you can be taken for granted because that is wrong, and if they even think that then that makes them a very very low person and you're better than that. If you explain what is wrong and they don't take that into consideration then oh boy! there is trouble.
Every friendship should be balanced in the amount of effort that comes from both sides, some days one person might be feeling slightly down and on those days the other helps them and that is the way it should be, but in some cases it's not.
The people closest to us, the ones we trust the most and care for the most are also the ones who end up hurting us the most, without even realising sometimes.
Just say sorry, talk it through, help each other and don't be at each others throats all the time, don't give one another a reason to be mad.
Stay Safe!
Thanks :)