Hi guys!
I want you to do me a favour whilst reading this.
Ask yourselves this question:
How are you feeling? Be honest, because remember nobody else knows what you're thinking.
Let me tell you something Alevels are not Fun!
Personally this week has been stressful and most, if not all of you will be able to relate to what I am about to talk about.
The education system!
The goddamn education system demands so much from us. Lets do some maths (correct me if I get the numbers wrong)
6 hours at school- 5 of which we spend in lessons or working, which leaves us with an hour break.
We are then expected to come home and do an hour extra for each subject we did at school, and that includes, revision, homework and LESSON PREPS. Lets say that is about another 3-4 hours more.
Well in reality its not it takes a lot longer than that and alongside this we are expected to get good grades and spend time socialising with friends and family. My question is, when do I get my time? By 'my time' I mean my own time to sit on the sofa or in my bed and watch Netflix and listen to music and be a lazy 17 year old. When do I get to be a normal teenager because with this school schedule if I ever get one of those days I fall behind in work, I have to end up staying up and going to bed late and getting up early and doing work. Let me not lie to you, this is extremely draining and i would not recommend.
Alongside this, I also would like to talk about people who are in other commitments such as sports or relationships. I can happily say that I am involved in neither. To make time for such things can be very strenuous and well done if you are able to manage all these things at once because I personally would struggle. Although this being said, do make time for exercise because it will make you feel better due to the toxins that the body releases.
I'm going to put it out there, recently I have been struggling to keep up with everything as i assume many of you have as well, but hey-ho we were all told at the start of the year that we would get through this and I believe we will. We may not be mentally stable by the end but we will definitely get through it!
So to end today's blog I want to remind you all to SMILE ALWAYS :)
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!