Hey guys!
Hope you all had a good Easter weekend and ate the weight of your problems in chocolate; I know I did. In fact it's still going on, because well chocolate is delicious and I have no place to be so lets add on the pounds :)
Ok, so I am not very sure how interesting this is going to be for you guys to read, and I was complementing whether to write this 'letter to the future me' because I want this to be something you can all nod along to whilst reading and engage with, but its an idea and I'm going to go with it and we shall see.
Here it goes...
Dear Me (in a few years) ,
So Snapchat told me that i was going to find my 'True Love' at 21. So if all has gone bad, have you at least found that? 🤣
If not then one of two things has occurred,
1. Nobody was good enough
2. Number 1 because what other reason could there be right? right.
Well I hope you got the Alevel grades you wanted-- A*, A, B or at least close enough, basically I hope you made it to university because if not then did you have a career change? Was journalism also a no go?
A lot of studying went into them (and I think mostly everybody reading this can relate!) and well I hope it was worth it.
Just going straight into it and asking myself- Are you happy? Do you remember to always smile, because you lived by that saying at 17.
If you aren't happy then its either:
A. Something you can't change
B. Something you don't want to admit
C. Something you don't even know is going to happen yet
You don't need any validation from anybody, you have you and that is enough.
STRESSHEAD- Well are you still one?
You stressed about everything and your new years resolution was to stop stressing, so let me know how that turned out.
Did you and the gym break up? Or is that still a thing. I know long-term relationships haven't held a streak in your life😂
A piece of advice for me and all you lot:
Have fun, whenever you can and smile whenever possible because those moments you'll never get back and I think sometimes we all need to be reminded of this.
This one is especially for future me but also any of you guys.
Don't trust too soon, too deeply because you never know whats going on in a person mind until you suffer the consequence of being hurt.
To end this on a high note, I would like to remind me to BREATH AND RELAX AND WHATEVER HAPPENS WILL HAPPEN, NO MATTER HOW LONG YOU PROLONG IT.
Oh yh, and KEEP SMILING :)
Lots of love,
Me x