Hey guys!
Most of you guys who read my weekly blogs are teenagers, and we all go through the same generic life events. Some faster than others because some of us grew up faster; that isn't necessarily a bad thing but doesn't part of us wish that we were still clueless little children who didn't know what life was about? It was easier that way, and I don't know about you but I would take that back any day. As I've grown older I've got to admit that I've learnt a lot about my own family, things I shunned away when I was younger, mostly due to the fact that I didn't understand what was going on or didn't want to understand, just wanted it to go away. Correct me if I'm wrong but all families have their issues and all children want is for everyone around them to be happy and care about them the most. This Isn't always the case because every family has their so called 'Dark Side', which is kept hidden or at least they want to keep it hidden, but as we've all grown older we understand it more and can't just focus on the facade that hides it.
Us, and I say us because I'm talking about us all collectively not just me, we all have our fair share of heartbreaks as teenagers. Whether that be with relationships or friendships, all of us have lost people who we've all trusted greatly. We're told 'It will get better' and 'You will get through this', but in that moment, in that time when you've been gravely hurt by somebody it is hard to build your self esteem back up, it is truly difficult to smile and act as if your life is going about as it normally would. It becomes difficult to commit to your everyday tasks because of this unwanted fatigue and nothing anybody can say in this moment will make you feel better. We've all been there, or might even be in this situation in the present moment in time.
I love a good fairytale and i got asked why, I didn't have an answer straight away but after contemplating this i thought: Everything ends up right, no matter how many twist and turns there are in the journey, the end is happy. Sometimes I wish my life was a fairytale, knowing what's going to happen would be so much simpler.
Today I got told something so I am going to share it with you all (and if the person is reading this, you'll know who you are)
I got told: 'It is the difficulties in life that help you grow'
They were completely right! Without these difficulties we would be living life on a Caracul going round and around knowing exactly what was going to happen and well, wouldn't that get boring.
I repeat, US teenagers, we have difficulties in life that we face and most of them are behind doors because we feel as though asking for help or even an ear can be a burden upon another person. Let me clarify one thing. If you have somebody you can talk to about anything, somebody that will be there for you no matter what, somebody who has been there for you forgiving all you've done in the past, all the ways you may have even upset them. I encourage you to keep them as long as they will stay because letting them go will be one of the biggest regrets of your life.
I always say - 'If you can control a situation do everything in your will to control it because that is your power to change what is meant to be'
We've spoke about a couple issues today. My overall point is, these challenges are our grand welcome into life as we haven't known it to be.
Thanks :)